While we are hearing many experts talk about how to manage kids during the current crisis, our series “Parents Win’ focuses on some very important parenting lessons and ways to dealing with the current situation. In this video Sorav Jain, one of the leading digital marketing experts from India talks about parenting during lockdown. He talks about how he is utilizing this time to develop leadership and growth mindset in his kids. Our endevour is to help parents sail through these times.

Watch the full interview here :

Here are 11 parenting lessons that we found extremely useful.

  1. Discover your child’s strengths during this time – While a lot of parents are waiting for schools to reopen, but this is also a time that you get to know your child’s strength and further develop on it. So, make sure you are spending enough time with your kids in figuring out what they are good at.
  2. Teach kids things schools generally miss out – Schools are doing a great job when it comes to focus on academics and even skill development. However, mind-set development is not so much of a focus at schools and hence parents have an important responsibility at hand which can be fulfilled during this period.
  3. Conduct a 30-40 mins of MasterClass every other day – Allocate time where you give them undivided attention. No phone calls, no laptop, no expensive gadget. Only your precious TIME.
  4. Foster a pet – When kids are made responsible for animals – they learn to become kind and patient. It also inculcates a sense of responsibility very early on in life.
  5. Kids blossom because of the environment at home and the support they get from their parents – Children have very little control over their environment, but parents define and determine their environment. Also, parent support plays the most significant role in child’s success. In fact Sorav credits his success to the right environment and family support.
  6. Have a rule book – There has been a widespread debate on strict parenting and most parents are no longer strict with their kids. However, it is important to have a rule book for kids. Do read Amy Mc Cready’s strategy for setting rules and discipling kids.
  7. Every home should build a dedicated digital learning room – When it comes to home based digital learning, kids need the right kind of ambience conducive for learning. Parents should focus on creating the right ambience at home. They should devote time in creating a separate learning and creative corner for kids.
  8. Access to best trainers across the globe – Home based learning has opened many doors. Learning is no longer confined to neighbourhood or vicinity school or enrichment centre. Kids can learn from the best across the globe without having to step out.
  9. Important to have allocated screen time for fun and learning – There has been an exponential increase in screen time because of the restricted movement. It is important to monitor kids screen time and make it worth their while. Read a UNICEF Report that details rethinking screen time for kids
  10. Bring kids out of their comfort zone – Get them to do activities they have never done before. This is the time to get kids to do things they have never done before.
  11. It is all about making gradual process, day after day – Don’t expect wonders to happen on day one. Be patient with their progress.

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